Why you should get involved
DuoDay is a unique initiative because it offers a range of benefits for supported employment agencies, job seekers and employers.
Job Seekers have the opportunity to gain insight into a business or job role and learn more about the world of work and employers’ expectations. They can use DuoDay as a work taster, helping them to make an informed decision about the type of job they want to work towards with their employment worker.
Supported Employment agencies have the chance to promote their service to job seekers and develop relationships with new employers. They can also promote their achievements in the media and work with other SUSE members to highlight the contribution of supported employment in improving diversity in Scotland’s workplaces.
Employers can work with the supported employment community to challenge negative stereotypes, demonstrate their commitment to diversity and promote their business in the media as a champion of social justice in their community. By developing a relationship with a supported employment provider employers get access to a pool of potential employees and opportunities to network with other employers.