Digital Recruitment Reviews

A graphic of common https website symbols, colon, forward slash, forward slash, dot.

DRR Logo, The words Digital Recruitment Review are written in a dark font colour, with each word on a separate line. Above the text is a graphics of common https website symbols, colon, forward slash, forward slash, dot.

What’s a Digital Recruitment Review?

We test employers’ digital recruitment processes and record and evaluate the users experience and the technical barriers, from initial search to submitting an application.

Discover the benefits of a Review and download the Digital Recruitment Review Brochure

Or view it in your browser 

Digital Recruitment Review brochure


Why is a Review important?

Recruitment today is often digital and not all websites, online job boards and digital tools are fully accessible to disabled people.

This has created a scenario where disabled jobseekers face not just attitudinal barriers, but digital barriers as well. A significant portion of employer sites, recruitment boards and online tools are not fully accessible to disabled people.

As employers, you are missing out on potentially great applicants.

How do we do this? 

A photo of two woman working together at a PC. One woman is typing on the keyboard and the other is reading from a booklet.

We work with the Experience Network, which is a diverse pool of people with varying and different knowledge and experience of being a disabled person in employment, to test digital recruitment processes. This is carried out in conjunction with our web development partners, Cole AD, who record and evaluate the users experience and the technical barriers, from initial search to submitting an application.

How can the Review help employers?

We advise employers on how you can have efficient and cost effective recruitment processes that do not deter disabled applicants and applicants with long term health conditions. We provide a full bespoke report of our testers’ findings, along with key recommendations to make your digital recruitment process more accessible.


A Digital Recruitment Review will help you to:

  • Remove barriers and create a more user-friendly application process for everyone

  • Access a wider pool of talent

  • Demonstrate that you are a truly inclusive employer


What do employers say?

“I heartily encourage you to take part in a digital recruitment review. You will learn lots about digital accessibility, completely tailored to your organisation and your recruitment process. And you will be supported to make targeted impactful improvements to your recruitment process. Strongly recommended.” Forestry and Land Scotland

“Having the direct feedback from disabled persons with lived experience on our Digital Recruitment Review was very useful. Feedback on our digital recruitment platforms has been vital as this is our ‘shop front’ by which future employees enter our organisation. Through this feedback we could identify the challenges or pain points applicants might face and we have been working to reduce these and to improve the recruitment journey for all.” Historic Environment Scotland

“As an organisation we are thankful to have had the Digital Recruitment Review and receive these very actionable reports. They are very helpful: succinct, easy to read and in an inclusive format.”
Young Enterprise Scotland

What do the Experience Network Testers say?

A photo of two people sat at a desk looking at a tablet. The woman is scrolling on the tablet screen.

“I really enjoyed participating! Having been a disabled job seeker eighteen months ago you immediately assume that it is your lack of confidence or technical ability that makes the whole application process challenging. What was highlighted today was that the websites we tested were just not well thought out! It wasn’t that I was lacking in technical know-how. That was a real confidence booster for me!”

“Reviewing employers digital recruitment processes is helping me understand my own methods of access. I enjoy helping people and am excited that I can give specific advice on the issues found.”

Read our Top Tips

There are some simple points to making your online recruitment process more accessible.

Read our Top Tips here.

Interested in Receiving a Review? 

For more details and pricing, contact:

Fiona Walker, SUSE Marketing and Communications Manager, at

Or download the Digital Recruitment Review Brochure