This was your time to contribute! These sessions were designed to be run as workshops, involving delegates in discussion and activities.
ENABLE Works – Enabling Partnerships
A presentation on the ENABLE Works approach to partnership. They will showcase some of their consortium partnerships currently being delivered across Scotland, at a time when providers need to pull together to increase their impact.
We are teaming up with SCLD during Scottish Learning Disability Week 2022! SCLD will be hosting a panel of employees with learning disabilities who will tell you about their experience of work, followed by a Question-and-Answer session. Our online delegates will be able to join their session and have your questions about employing people with learning disabilities answered.
Flexible Working in the Post-Covid Economy
Who wants flexible working and what types of flexible working do people have? How can flexible working benefit employees and businesses? In this session, led by Lisa Gallagher, Co-Founder and Director of Flexibility Works, you will discuss the key challenges in your business right now and how flexible working might help. You will also have the chance to find out about flex in action!
The Supported Employment Guarantee
This is the moment to campaign for the services we need to ensure everyone has the chance of a working life, if they want it. This workshop will look at a set of principles our members and stakeholders can sign up to, to increase the quality, availability and impact of supported employment in Scotland. How do we make this a reality? Join this workshop to be part of the discussion.
Supported Employment Quality Standard
With the Supported Employment Quality Standard for Scotland, providers will finally have a sector standard they can achieve. This will also give confidence to disabled people who use their services and funders. This workshop is designed for service providers to have your say on how we roll out this important initiative. Please click on the link to read the Draft Supported Employment Quality Standard
Why Employers Should Recruit Disabled People
A workshop with the award-winning social entrepreneur and author, Jane Hatton, founder and CEO of Evenbreak, the recruitment website where disabled jobseekers can be confident that employers are committed to diversity and equality and are keen to recruit people based on their talents and abilities.
Maximising the Contribution from People with Lived Experience in Apt PSP
People with lived experience are at the centre of everything we do in the PSP. But what does the next stage look like? How can we develop our current team and grow this as we work towards establishing a Centre of Excellence for Scotland’s employers? Danielle Farrell from Yours Options Understood (Y.O.U), will invite you to have your say in this workshop.
Delivering a Centre of Excellence for Scotland’s Employers
The Apt’s ambition is to create a one stop shop for employers who want to attract, recruit and retain disabled people. Join Emma Soanes, Chief Executive of Unity, and David Stewart, Regional Partnership and Development Manager at Fedcap Scotland, and help us design this exciting new initiative to make it an essential resource for Scotland’s employers. Click on the link to read the discussion points during this breakout session: Delivering a Centre of Excellence for Scotland’s Employers
Quality Assurance in the PSP
An interactive workshop that explores how the PSP can create highly effective services that are proven to give employers meaningful results.