There are a wide range of programmes and services which support disabled people and people with long term conditions into work. We have pulled together a list of current programmes and services to assist job seekers and employers. In the information below you will find a short description on each and links to external websites for further information.

Supported Employment uses a partnership approach between providers, jobseekers and employers to enable disabled people and people with long term conditions to achieve a paid job. The aim is to support jobseekers to enter sustained employment by using the place then train model through a 5 Stage process which often includes job coaching within the employer’s premises.

Search for a local services on the SUSE Hub


There are a number of supported businesses operating across Scotland. These are employers where more than 50 per cent of the workers are disabled persons.

View the Supported Businesses in Scotland directory


Fair Start is Scotland’s first devolved employment support service. It aims to support a minimum of 38,000 people over the next 3 years, including those further removed from the labour market who want help to find and stay in work.

Find out more about Fair Start Scotland

A Modern Apprenticeship is a job which lets people earn a wage and gain an industry recognised qualification. MAs also help employers to develop their workforce by training new staff and upskilling existing employees.

Find a Modern Apprenticeship training provider


The Employability Fund supports young people towards employment through a number of local training programmes. The services have been developed to address the specific needs of local areas.

Find out more about the Employability Fund

Project SEARCH is a one year transition programme which provides employability training and education for young people with learning disabilities. The goal is to provide on-site internship experiences in order for young adults to acquire necessary skills leading to competitive employment. It is a partnership that brings together employers, colleges and adult supported employment providers.

Find out more about Project Search

IPS is a Supported Employment programme for people who have severe and enduring mental health illnesses.   IPS supports people to gain part time or full time employment.  This is the most well-established method of ‘place then train’ in mental health services.

Find out more about Individual Placement and Support

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.

The support you get will depend on your needs. Through Access to Work, you can apply for:

  • a grant to help pay for practical support with your work
  • advice about managing your mental health at work
  • money to pay for communication support at job interview

Find out more about Access to Work

The methods of Training in Systematic Instruction (TSI) fit broadly into the in-work support element of the ‘Supported Employment’ approach.

TSI is an approach intended for practitioners working directly with people who require additional support to learn the practical skills involved in work and independent living. Originally, it was devised for people with learning disabilities, but its relevance and effectiveness to reach across many vulnerable groups has become obvious, including people with autism, users in mental health services and basically anyone who lacks confidence and/or needs support to successfully undertake and learn the practical tasks involved at work. TSI offers an effective methodology to support people with learning disabilities into inclusive paid work environments.

TSI is based on three things:-

Preparation to teach – You can’t teach something that you don’t know and have a feel for yourself.

Teaching strategies – As someone who knows the task, your responsibility is to pass on your knowledge to the learner as quickly as possible.

The values that underpin TSI – Teach don’t test! The process is dynamic and involves both parties learning from each other.

For more information on TSI, please contact Norma Curran, CEO, Values Into Action Scotland on 0141 212 3395 or email