Mental Health E-Learning

A free, easy to use e-Learning programme for managers and staff.
Learn more about how mental health stigma and discrimination can impact people at work. Using dramas and real-life experiences, you’ll learn more about rights and good practice at every stage of your working life – from recruitment, when in work and when returning to work following a period of ill health.
Training of Managers and Staff
Talking about mental health more openly and having the confidence to deal with someone who discloses that they ‘are not okay’ can make a huge difference to a person’s well-being. The ability of line managers and supervisors to respond effectively to the early disclosure of symptoms and concerns by staff under their care is a crucial part of the equation. Our e-learning programme will help all staff understand the impact of stigma and discrimination and how to manage conversations in the workplace.
If you’d like to roll out the See Me Workplace e-learning programme to your employees, please get in touch to discuss how we can help you monitor uptake and completion rates.