We welcome members to make the most of our current free learning events.

If you would like to attend multiple events you only need to complete one form.

Please note: some events have limited numbers, therefore if you can no longer attend an event you have registered for, please let us know at info@susescotland.scot.

Please remember to add the event to your calendar. Full details, including joining information, will be emailed to you closer to the session date.


Members Learning Events

Registration for upcoming SUSE members-only learning events.

Please select the Learning Event(s) you are registering for:(Required)
If you are registering for multiple events you only need to submit one form.
We do not share slides as standard, this will depend on the training facilitator. If you require slides in advance for communication support, please state this here.

Welcome to the Scottish Union of Supported Employment Member Portal.

Once you have logged in as a member you can update your profile, add users and post jobs, events, training or consultations.

On this page we have brief guides on how to use – and get the best from – the SUSE Hub. We want all of our members to be posting regularly – to create an online resource for our community which keeps people informed and provides opportunities for partnership working.  Click on the arrows for more information, or watch our short training video:

Once you have completed your full profile, including your contact and organisation details and services, you will be able to post new job vacancies, future events, training opportunities and  consultations. These posts are visible on the the public facing part of our website – the SUSE Hub

To create a post quickly and easily:

  • Click on the Members Dashboard link at the top of the website.
  • Click on the link to creating a new job, event, training or consultation.
  • In the New Post section you can select which type of post you would like to create.
  • Complete the fields required and submit.
  • The post will be vetted and activated by SUSE staff (usually within an hour or so).
  • Your new post will then appear on the public facing website in the SUSE Hub

From your Member Dashboard you will see a right hand menu called – Your Profile.

In here you can view –

  • My Profile
    • Update your profile details.
  • My Account
    • Renew or change your membership.
    • Edit your profile
    • View and print your membership invoices.
  • Add Users to your membership account.
    • Add up to 5 additional users to your account.
  • Post History
    • View all of the post you have created.


As a member of SUSE you can access resources develop or shared by SUSE, specifically for our members.

In your Member Dashboard you can view and select from the SUSE Portal on the right-hand menu.

Examples of resources we have added as readable webpages and/or downloadable PDFs:

  • Peer Support and Inclusive Workplace Award resources
  • Fair Start Guidance Tools
  • Best practice information on supported employment
  • Examples of Quality Standard tools

We will be adding new resources regularly.

SUSE offers two types of membership:

Price: £325

This is for supported employment and employability providers.

Full members are entitled to all of the Member Benefits including the preferential rates for events and training, access to the Training and Consultancy Consortium, and free half-day consultancy on training and workforce development.

Remember to register up to 5 users for full access to the SUSE website Members Dashboard including best practice information, latest research and consultations.

Price: £110

This is for organisations who do not directly deliver employment services but have an interest in supported employment (e.g. disabled people’s organisations, housing associations and community organisations).

Associate Members are entitled to most of our Members Benefits with the exception of the preferential rates for training and events, access to the Training and Consultancy Consortium, and half-day consultancy on training and workforce development. 

Remember to register up to 5 users for full access to the SUSE website Members Dashboard including best practice information, latest research and consultations.

Both types of membership confer voting rights at the SUSE AGM. Each member organisation is entitled to one vote.

The membership period is 12 months.

Signing up gives you immediate access to the member section of our website and resources. You will be sent an email reminder 30 days before your membership is due to expire.  Click here to join SUSE

If you would like to discuss the benefits of SUSE membership please do not hesitate to contact us:
David Cameron, CEO on  07540 835229 or at david@susescotland.scot
For general enquiries please contact info@susescotland.scot


The SUSE Board reserves the right to refuse or cancel membership subject to the conditions laid out in the charity’s Articles of Association.

SUSE is the voice of our members and has ensured that the Supported Employment model is a key aspect of employability services in Scotland.

We ensure that your views are represented to key decision makers and the challenges you face are understood.

We bring our members together for an annual conference and learning and consultation events. Our members have told us they also want SUSE to help with some of the challenges they face in a competitive employability sector. To address this SUSE is developing a range of training, workforce development and consultancy services which members can commission.

Our Membership Offer includes:

  • Regular learning events for practitioners (4 free each year).
  • Access to a wide network to share your news and opportunities.
  • Free posting of jobs, events and training on the SUSE website.
  • Full access for 5 registered users to the SUSE website Members Dashboard including best practice information, latest research and consultations.
  • Networking across Scotland’s employability sector.
  • Lobbying and advocacy on behalf of our members and the Supported Employment approach.
  • Feedback from meetings attended by SUSE on behalf of members.
  • Participation in SUSE campaigns, research and learning projects.
  • Introductions to employers through the SUSE Inclusive Workplace Award.
  • Private and confidential advice, guidance and information.
  • Opportunity to attend the SUSE Annual Conference.


Full Members also receive:

  • Access to the SUSE Training and Consultancy consortium and the opportunity to deliver as part of this.
  • Access to expert advice on becoming an inclusive employer and disability diversity leader in the sector.
  • Free half-day consultation on training, workforce development or business development needs and a 10% discount on ongoing support.
  • Discount on SUSE Annual Conference tickets.
  • 20% discount on SUSE training courses.


This content is for Full Member and Associate Member members only.
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Photograph of a group of people sat around a desk in an office environment. One person is talking and gestering with her hands. Another person is sat beside her looking on. The 2 other people have their backs to the camera and are slightly out of focus.
Information on the key policies and developments which impact on the work of Supported Employment providers in Scotland.

We welcome suggestions from members on any additional policies that should be available here.

Latest additions:

Employment Law:

  1. The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023
  2. The Carer’s Leave Act 2023


  1. Fair Work in the Hospitality Industry
  2. No One Left Behind: employability strategic plan 2024 to 2027

  3. The Scottish Parliament’s Economy and Fair Work Committee inquiry into the disability employment gap in Scotland.

  4. Working for the Future: Launch report for the Commission on the Future of Employment Support
  5. Research on Employer Behaviour Regarding Hiring People with Learning Disabilities – Report
  6. Scotland’s devolved employment services statistical summary.
  7. The Scottish Government’s review of Supported Employment report and position paper.
  8. Fair Start Scotland Individual Placement and Support Review.


  1. UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Report on follow up to the UK inquiry, including Scotland
  2. The Declining Disability Employment Gap in Scotland
  3. Inquiry into the Disability Employment Gap.


  1. Scotland’s Budget Report Preview 3
  2. Autumn Budget speculation
  3. Scottish Economy Challenge and Opportunities: Now and Future.

Fair Work in the Hospitality Industry

The Fair Work Convention has published its report of the Hospitality Inquiry 2024. The Inquiry considered fair work in the broadest sense, exploring the experiences of hospitality workers and employers to identify what is working and where improvements in fair work can be made.

To read the report and the recommendations, click here

No One Left Behind: employability strategic plan 2024 to 2027

The Scottish Government has published its NOLB strategy for 2024 to 2027.

To read the strategy, click here.

The Scottish Parliament’s Economy and Fair Work Committee inquiry into the disability employment gap in Scotland.

The Committee’s report has now been published and can be read here

Accessible versions of the report can be downloaded from the Committee page


Working for the Future: Launch report for the Commission on the Future of Employment Support

This report launches a new Commission on the Future of Employment Support, which IES is providing the secretariat for and is being funded by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust.

Launch Report

Working for the Future – Executive Summary


Research on Employer Behaviour Regarding Hiring People with Learning Disabilities

This report provides a summary of findings from recent research conducted by Inclusive Recruiting on
behalf of the Fraser of Allander Institute into better understanding employers’ fears and concerns over
hiring people with learning disabilities.

Easy Read Research on Employer Behaviour Regarding Hiring People with Learning Disabilities

Research on Employer Behaviour Regarding Hiring People with Learning Disabilities

Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary February 2024

Official statistics in development on the No One Left Behind strategic approach to employability delivery, reporting on those receiving support from April 2019 to September 2023 and official statistics for Fair Start Scotland (FSS) from April 2018 to September 2023.



Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary (July 2023)

An update on statistics from April 2019 to March 2023


Fair Start Scotland – Individual Placement and Support Review (January 2023)

A full report including findings and recommendations of an independent review of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Scotland commissioned by Scottish Government and produced by Social Finance.

IPS Review: Findings

Employability Shared Measurement Framework (December 2022)

This paper establishes the Employability Shared Measurement Framework (the Framework), which will play a key role in enabling the development of a system that is driven by evidence, including data and the experience of users.


Scottish Government’s A Fairer Scotland for All and the Fair Work Action Plan (December 2022)

The new anti-racist employment strategy – a Fairer Scotland for All has now been published. The strategy was published alongside the refreshed Fair Work Action Plan. Please find links to both documents below:

Anti-racist employment strategy – A Fairer Scotland for All

Fair Work Action Plan – Becoming a leading Fair Work nation by 2025


Scottish Government’s Review of Supported Employment (September 2022)

The Scottish Government have conducted an evaluation of supported employment delivery within Scotland and the full report was published on 27th September. The research was designed to provide a robust, independent review of how supported employment is delivered, and where gaps in provision lie. It aimed to map the current landscape of supported employment in Scotland, assess the quality of provision and provide recommendations for future delivery.

Supported Employment Review Report 270922

Scottish Government Position Paper


A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People – Employment Action Plan – Year 2 Progress Update (March 2021)

This report provides an update on the second year of the disability employment gap action plan. The report outlines a number of key achievements made in the last year which support the reduction of the Disability Employment Gap.

While the latest full year labour market data from the Annual Population Survey (January – December 2019) suggests a continued reduction in the Disability Employment Gap, it does not take into consideration the impact of COVID-19.  Scot Gov continue to work partners, including the third sector, to understand the impact of COVID-19 on disabled people and identify actions what actions would help mitigate any negative impacts for those seeking to enter or sustain employment.  

Year 2 Progress Report of A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: Employment Action Plan

The Replacement of European Structural Funds in Scotland post EU-Exit Consultation Report (June 2020)

This report pulls together the findings from a range of engagement exercises including online consultation and regional workshops held across Scotland, involving citizens, businesses and communities.  It offers insights into the needs and wishes of many sections of Scottish society regarding the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Replacement of ESF Report

A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People – Employment Action Plan – Year 1 Progress Update (March 2020)

This provides an update on the first year of the disability employment gap action plan that was published in December 2018. The Employability Policy team at Scottish Government explain the actions that have been taken across a range of policy areas in the last year and work that is in progress. Section 3 of the document provides an update on some relevant statistics.

Year 1 Progress Report of A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: Employment Action Plan


A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People – Employment Action Plan (2018)

This outlines the 44 actions the Scottish Government intend to take to halve the Disability Employment Gap by 2038. These are grouped under the themes: Supporting Employers to Recruit and Retain Disabled People, Supporting Disabled People to Enter Employment and Young People and Transitions.

Disability Employment Gap Action Plan

No One Left Behind – Review of Employability Services (2018)

This follows on from the Scottish Government’s Next Steps for Integration and Alignment of Employability Support paper and is intended to initiate a discussion on how employability services can be improved.

Review of Employability Services

No One Left Behind – Next Steps for the Integration and Alignment of Employability Support in Scotland (2018)

This sets out the next steps the Scottish Government intend to take to deliver more effective and joined-up employability support across Scotland. 

No One Left Behind


Working for Growth: A Refresh of the Employability Framework for Scotland (2012)

Developed in consultation with a wide range of partners, Working for Growth is a Scottish Government framework for supporting people who are out of work.

Working for Growth


Action for Jobs – Supporting Young Scots Into Work: Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy (2012)

This draws together the range of actions being undertaken to reduce youth unemployment in Scotland.

Action for Jobs

Skills for Scotland: Accelerating the Recovery and Increasing Sustainable Economic Growth (2010)

The Scottish Government refresh of the Skills for Scotland Strategy, intended to  simplify the skills system, empower individuals and employers to access help and support more effectively and better meet the needs of the key economic sectors and industries of the future.

Skills for Scotland

A Working Life for All Disabled People – The Supported Employment Framework for Scotland (2010)

This describes the Supported Employment Framework and how it can be used to enable people with disabilities or long term conditions to enter the labour market.  

The Supported Employment Framework for Scotland



Towards a dyslexia-friendly Scotland?

Between 2023 and 2024, Dyslexia Scotland undertook Scotland’s biggest-ever survey of its dyslexic population. With help from the University of Glasgow, the results have been analysed and their report is now published. Click here to go to their website to read the report.


UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Report on follow-up to the inquiry concerning the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Follow up to inquiry

The Declining Disability Employment Gap in Scotland

The Declining Disability Employment Gap in Scotland

This report, published in collaboration with the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe), examines the reasons behind the growth in employment levels among disabled people in Scotland.

Disability Employment in Scotland: Initial Findings

This guest blog is from the Fraser of Allander Institute, working with SPICe on an academic fellowship to explore the disability employment gap in Scotland.

Guest blog – Disability Employment in Scotland: Initial Findings

Disability: Employment

Question for Department for Work and Pensions UIN 14586, tabled on 19 February 2024

Answered on

27 February 2024

The Government has a wide range of initiatives to support disabled people and people with health conditions to start, stay and succeed in work.


Inquiry into the Disability Employment Gap (2023)

Letter from the Economy and Fair Work Committee to Neil Gray with queries about the Fair Work Action Plan and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy Impact Assessments lodged on 19 April 2023

Inquiry into the Disability Employment Gap


Transforming Scotland for Autistic People and People with Learning/Intellectual Disabilities (2021)

The Scottish Government’s autism and learning/intellectual disability transformation plan, ‘Towards Transformation’, sets out to ensure that progress is made in transforming Scotland for autistic people and people with learning/intellectual disabilities.

Transforming Scotland for Autistic People and People with Learning/Intellectual Disabilities.

Increasing the Employment of Disabled People in the Public Sector (2019)

The Scottish Government’s response to the consultation on increasing the employment of disabled people in the public sector and the actions they intend to take.

Increasing the Employment of Disabled People in the Public Sector

A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People (2016)

The Scottish Government’s plan has five long-term ambitions and 93 actions intended to  change the lives of disabled people in Scotland and ensure their human rights are realised.

A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People


Scottish Strategy for Autism: Evaluation

Key findings show that the Scottish Autism Strategy supported and funded a wide range of activities and developments at a local and national level, designed to bring about improvements in services and support for autistic people and their families/carers.

Scottish Strategy for Autism: evaluation


The Scottish Strategy for Autism (2011)

The Scottish Government’s strategy aims to achieve progress in delivering quality services for people with autism and their families.

 A Scottish Strategy for Autism


Self-Directed Support – A National Strategy for Scotland (2010)

A 10 year strategy for Self-directed Support in Scotland which aims to set out and drive a cultural shift around the delivery of support that views people as equal citizens with rights and responsibilities.

Self Directed Support – A National Strategy for Scotland



Curriculum for Excellence

The national curriculum for Scottish schools for learners from age 3 to 18. It aims to achieve a transformation in education by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum.

Curriculum for Excellence


Developing the Young Workforce 

DYW is a seven-year programme (2014-2021) that aims to better prepare children and young people aged 3–18 for the world of work. This programme builds on the foundations already in place through the Curriculum for Excellence.

Developing the Young Workforce


Getting it Right for Every Child

GIRFEC is the Scottish Government’s approach to improve outcomes and support the wellbeing of children and young people.

Getting it Right for Every Child

Poverty in Scotland 2023 (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)

  • Over one million people still live in poverty in Scotland, with nearly half of those (490,000) living in very deep poverty.
  • The statutory child poverty reduction targets are unlikely to be met without significant additional Scottish Government action.
  • While the Scottish Child Payment is likely to reduce child poverty, the growth of in-work poverty is holding back further progress.
  • Just over 10% of workers in Scotland are locked in persistent low-pay i.e. they are paid below the real Living Wage – 72% of them are women.


Poverty in Scotland 2022 (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)

Nearly one in five households on low incomes in Scotland have gone hungry and cold this year, even before we enter the winter months.

The UK Government must, as we have been saying for some time, reverse the fundamental inadequacy of the social security system ensuring that, at an absolute minimum, no-one is left in destitution.

In this context, it is crucial that the Scottish Government recommit to meeting the child poverty targets set by the Scottish Parliament.




Every Child, Every Chance. The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22.

This is the Scottish Governments’ plan for achieving the targets set out in the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017.

Every Child, Every Chance

Fraser of Allander – Scotland’s Budget Report Preview 3

The Fraser of Allander Institute has written a blog on the evolution of the Scottish Government’s 2024-25 net financial position. To read the blog, click here

Fraser of Allander – Autumn Budget speculation

Fraser of Allander Institute published a blog on the autumn budget, the economy returns to growth, the impact of cuts, and the disability employment gap. To read what they had to say, click here.

Scottish Economy Challenges and Opportunities: Now and Future (May 2023)

Adam McGeoch, Economist Fellow at the University of Strathclyde’s Fraser of Allander Institute, delivered a workshop at the SUSE Annual Conference on the current state of the Scottish economy and the challenges and opportunities that lie further afield.

Where are we now?
Recent indicators suggest that the UK economy is showing signs of improvement, aligning with key forecasters’ beliefs that the country is likely to avoid a technical recession in 2023. The first estimate of economic growth in the first quarter of 2023, released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), revealed a modest 0.1% growth during that period. Notably, the public sector had a negative impact on growth, with contractions observed in public administration, health, and education due to strikes in certain regions of the UK. Despite weak growth, the overall trend indicates some positive developments in both the UK and Scottish economies.

The tight labour market in the UK is putting upwards pressure on wages. This imbalance, with too few people available for too many jobs, gives employees a stronger bargaining position and contributes to significant wage growth. So, while a good deal of the stubbornly high inflation is driven by food and energy prices, there are also sources of domestically generated inflation as the price of labour gets more expensive.

To combat this persistent inflation, the Bank of England has raised interest rates for the 12th consecutive time, bringing the rate to 4.5%. The Bank’s economic outlook for the UK has significantly improved compared to their previous forecasts in February.

They anticipate a flat first half of 2023, followed by growth in the second half, with projected growth rates of 0.7% in 2023 and 0.8% in 2024. However, the 2024 growth figure is notably below the current forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), indicating a relatively weak outlook.

The Bank’s expectations were for inflation to decline sharply from April, partially due to high price levels from the previous year serving as a comparison. The latest inflation data for April 2023, published on the 24th of May, shows an inflation rate of 8.7%, down from 10.1% in March – slightly higher than what the Bank had forecast earlier this month. The Bank forecasts inflation to come down to around 5% by the end of this year. It is important to note that core inflation (inflation excluding food and fuels), often considered as domestically driven demand, rose in April to 6.8% (a 31-year high) from 6.2% in March therefore, we will be watching closely as the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee decides on whether to raise the rates again next month on June 22nd.

Challenges (and opportunities) in the future:
The past few years have presented the economy with unprecedented challenges, but we cannot lose sight of the longer-term issues in our economy that are not going away, and, if anything, have been exacerbated by current conditions. These ‘Grand Challenges’ are not limited to but include climate change, automation, productivity, demographic change, and poverty.

We regularly publish analysis that looks at these short and longer-term challenges facing the Scottish, UK, and Global economies. If you would like to read more about our research on these issues, then please visit fraserofallander.org, or get in touch with us!

Adam McGeoch, Economist Fellow, Fraser of Allander Institute 24/05/2023

Collaborating to improve attainment for school pupils (Jan 2022)

The Fraser of Allander Institute has long championed the use of data to improve policy making. Over the last year, we have been exploring a new collaboration to see how data and software tools can facilitate progress towards tackling the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland.

Closing the attainment gap is one of the Scottish Government’s key priorities and understanding the linkages between poverty and educational attainment is important in supporting the development of evidence-based policy solutions to improve children’s lives. These linkages and solutions could differ significantly depending on a range of factors including where in Scotland the child lives (e.g. rural vs urban) and the types of neighbourhoods and homes that they are growing up in. This collaborative project looked at how data and analysis could shed light on these issues to better evidence policy solutions, particularly at a local level.

Collaborating to improve attainment for school pupils

Report of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery (June 2020)

The group, led by Benny Higgins, was tasked with recommending solutions to ensure transition towards a greener, net-zero and wellbeing economy, and to advise on measures to address different challenges the economy will face as Scotland recovers from the COVID-19)pandemic. The group’s 25 recommendations, will now be considered in detail by the Scottish Government and its partners.

Report of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023

The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 changes the statutory requirements on flexible working, the most significant being that employees are now legally entitled to request a change to their working patterns from their first day of employment (previously they would have to have been in their current role for 26 weeks).

The Carer’s Leave Act 2023

The Carer’s Leave Act 2023 introduces a new statutory minimum for leave for employees to carry out caring responsibilities. Employees may now take one week’s leave (defined as a usual working week) per year, unpaid, as carer’s leave.

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