The Scottish Government have conducted an evaluation of supported employment delivery within Scotland and the full report was published on 27th September. The research was designed to provide a robust, independent review of how supported employment is delivered, and where gaps in provision lie. It aimed to map the current landscape of supported employment in Scotland, assess the quality of provision and provide recommendations for future delivery.

The review has identified a very positive landscape from which to develop high quality supported employment services across Scotland. This includes providers with many years of experience, motivated and committed policy makers and innovative Local Authority commissioners. And importantly, many individuals with learning disability and autistic people who are passionate about working and with so many skills, experiences and ideas to offer to employers and wider society. The challenge that this review has identified and sought to address is how to spread these examples of excellent practice across the country and improve consistency and quality of the service offer.

David Cameron, SUSE CEO, said, “We will be working with our members to ensure that this leads to the expansion and improvement of the services across the country that disabled people need and deserve. It is now more important than ever that our voices are heard, to put Supported Employment at the heart of the employability offer in Scotland.” The report was discussed at the SUSE AGM on 12th October.

To read the full report please click the link: Supported Employment Review Full Report

To read the Scottish Government’s position on the report, please click the link: Scottish Government Position Paper


SUSE Member Event 

We hosted a session for Members to discuss the Supported Employment Review and how this should be taken forward in 2023.

This was held online on Tuesday 24th January 2023.

A summary of the discussion is available here.