The Apt Public Social Partnership is delivering a range of innovative projects designed to support employers to improve their ability to attract, recruit and retain disabled people. We are looking for expressions of interest from people who have lived experience of disability who may wish to participate in a training programme to become a trainer or consultant in the PSP.

This will be a structured training programme that will run for 3 months in early 2022. Following this initial programme the successful candidates will have opportunities to become sessional trainers and consultants, delivering support to PSP employers, as and when opportunities become available.  We will provide ongoing training, mentoring and support as people develop their skills and gain experience working within the PSP.

This is a paid opportunity with an hourly rate of £20.00 per hour. Successful applicants will be recruited as employees of the Scottish Union of Supported Employment. This will include appropriate disclosure checks and references. We anticipate that each person will be asked to commit around 50 hours to complete the initial training programme.

Potential applicants should be aware that participation in this training programme may have an impact on the benefits they are receiving as it is a paid opportunity.  If you have concerns about this please contact us.

As we expect there will be considerable interest in this opportunity there will be a recruitment and selection process to identify the group of people who will be invited to join the programme.

If you would like to express interest in this opportunity please email Michelle Ramsay by Thursday 23rd December 2021 at

If you’re thinking of applying but would like to have a chat about this opportunity before deciding to go ahead please email SUSE at and we’ll arrange a suitable time.