We are excited to share an update with you about Fraser, who participated in DuoDay 2021.

Fraser, a Fair Start Scotland participant, joined the service to become more independent. He relied heavily on his mother and struggled with communication. After attending a variety of workshops and one to one sessions, Fraser was chosen as a participant for DuoDay 2021. As you will remember, DuoDay brings together disabled people, supported employment agencies and local employers for one day to promote equal employment opportunities across Europe. It highlights the positive contributions disabled people make at work.

Fraser spent the day shadowing the team at the Premier Inn, and they were so impressed by his work ethic and enthusiasm that they offered him a job on the spot. Hear what the hotel manager from the Premier Inn had to say about Fraser, four months after he was hired:

“Fraser has been doing exceptionally well since joining us. He has adapted to his working routine really well and my team leader has constructed some simple check lists for him to keep him on track with what he has to do and what he needs to complete the tasks. This has helped him a lot as he gets nervous when having to ask for help. My team are great at looking out for him and keeping his schedule full so he is not left wondering what to do next.”

A photograph of Fraser and his colleagues in the Premier Inn foyer.

Fraser’s manager also highlighted the important role he plays within their team:

“Fraser has become an integral part of the team and we will be using him more in breakfast as it gets busier. So far he has been supporting the house keeping team and he has been completing regular cleaning tasks. Fraser has asked for more hours as he is enjoying work so much, which we will accommodate in the future. He has also been really flexible and regularly supports breakfast when it has been busy. I find Fraser’s enthusiasm and energy really uplifting for the team and he always has a great smile and has a joke to lift our spirits. I am looking forward to seeing how Fraser develops further in his role.”

Congratulations Fraser! We are delighted to hear how well you are doing in your new role and can’t wait to hear about more of your achievements in the future!